(I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted--life has been a rollercoaster this semester, but I am doing my best juggling everything. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments on the last few posts. Your support means the world to me! Also, we are getting really close to the 100th post...be ready for something exciting! But let's get into the actual interesting part of this post, shall we?)
What are you thankful for today? Your families, friends, lives? These are wonderful things to be grateful for, and I just wanted to talk a little bit about magic moments.
What do you consider to be a magic moment? Well, to me an example would be grabbing lunch with somebody that I haven't seen in a while. Sometimes, it is so easy to get caught up on focusing on the big things in life that we forget the little things that actually matter a whole lot too. We care a lot about the special people we've been blessed with--of course we do!--but I guess you can say that "magic moments" are the little things we encounter that make each day special and unique.
Did you know that writing down your blessings increases happiness, productivity, and health?
Well, in the spirit of the holiday spirit, I've developed a sort of gratitude journal template for you all, to cherish the moments and immortalize the memories. Feel free to use it in a sort of to help keep track of what you're grateful for each day, or to modify it to work with any current journaling habits. I will be using this template for two weeks to see how it goes (finding time to journal can be a bit rough with finals approaching, but that means that it'll help me more than ever if I can make that time), if you guys would like to join me in a little gratitude reflection adventure.
One interesting event that occurred today:
Two people I am thinking about today:
Three random acts of kindness I witnessed or performed:
Two things I learned today:
One thing I can do for a better tomorrow:
Other reflections/notes:
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http://quovadisblog.com/2012/02/07/paper-and-digital-journals/ |
Smile on,
Riley XO