
July 27, 2015

Am I In Love?

Howdy, everyone! So the Love is In the Air series has been going quite well so far! Thank you for reading up on it and leaving your wonderful comments! And thank you so much to those of you who have followed my blog. It means the world to me that you guys take the time to read what I write--because everything I write on this blog is for you! That being said, if you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments and I will always do my best!

Have any of you guys ever asked, "What is it like to be in love?" or "I love ______"? The question that I'm trying to get to is: How do we know if we love someone?

But maybe to answer this question, we must first ask, "What is love?"

I think that society tells us that love is this:

I mean, who isn't a sucker for those stories where boy meets girl, they fall in love, get married, and everything is happy?

But if I were to conjure up an image of love, it would have to be something like this:

This is a picture of my grandparents <3
We want to believe that love is this strong wildfire that sets our hearts on fire, a feeling that consumes us from the inside out. I think we want to believe love is a mutual feeling that we have with someone--a crazy, strong feeling that we act upon in our youth. We want to believe that love is a feeling because it is simple. Feelings are obvious. Feelings are only one aspect in our lives that we consider.
We know, however, that love is so much more than a feeling. It is a relationship. It is what you prioritize. But above all, love is an action.
Love involves doing. I mean, just think about it. If you love your friend, in a bromance or best friend sort of way, don't you do stuff for them? Aren't you there for them when they need help? Don't you offer comfort or advice when they're feeling down? How can you call someone your friend if you guys don't depend on each other? Well, the same goes for romantic love.
That being said, the answer to the question "Do I love _______?" can be answered if you rephrase the question into, "Am I willing to make significant sacrifices for this person?" or "Will I put this person's needs before my own?"
Answering whether you love somebody or not is a simple thing to do, but it isn't easy. But more about it in the next post ;)
In the meantime, smile on. 


  1. This is so nicely written! I agree, love is much more than words, it's the actions.
    I love this post x

    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

    1. Thank you June! Hope you have a great day!

  2. I like this post and I agree with you. Love is not just being in relationship, it involves, like you said, doing. Good job! ♥:)

    1. Thank you, Georgia! And thank you so much for following my blog it means so much to me <3

  3. Yep, it's more than the feeling itself. It is a decision and a commitment as well. :)

    1. So true! I think that a lot of young people tend to get a little worried about the commitment part of love, but it turns out to be the most beautiful part of a relationship <3

  4. I am really enjoying reading your opinions on love and romance. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I think that love being an action makes it easier to know if you are actually in love with someone, because your feelings are not the deciding factor.

    1. Thanks, Smylinggirl! I definitely still have a lot to learn about love, but I have found this series to be fun so far. Focusing on actions really helped me to conceptualize love since it can get to be such an abstract idea, and I'm glad you see it too :)

  5. Me I believe in love forever. And those pictures are too sweet!

    The Flower Duet

    1. I saw this saying that you know she or he is the one if you're BFFs that F XD

  6. Beautiful write up!

  7. Great thoughts <3

    My new post at

  8. So beautiful! I think love is choice, a decision to engage and act. And the second picture describes this much better.

    Natalia | Lindifique

    1. I am glad you liked the second picture! My grandparents are so precious to me <3

  9. Great post! I loved reading it, it was very insightful, I have been learning now that I'm older. Especially that love is actions. :D

    1. Thanks, Perla!! It is really interesting, reflecting on how much our perspectives have changed as we've gotten older and gained more experience!

  10. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  11. Blogging is the new poetry. I find it wonderful and amazing in many ways.

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