
June 3, 2014

A Tribute to Maya Angelou

Hello there. Today's post will be relatively short because my words fall short in comparison to this great author's. As some of you may know, Maya Angelou passed away on the 28th, and this led me to reflect on how her words have impacted me.

It was probably my junior year of high school when I first stumbled across this quotation:
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
Since then, those words have come up each time I went through something difficult.

It's probably really melodramatic of me, but at times I can turn little instances of carelessness into major tragedies. For example, I once made a big exit giving up on my Chemistry grade only because the person I was working with told me the wrong answer to two of the questions, thereby confusing me immensely. It was soon resolved, but this just goes to show that I'm a person who is impacted a lot by Maya Angelou's famous words.

The first clause is empowering, and the second always reminds me to find that humility and grace that is somewhere inside of me. Trying to live by these words have gotten me through some crummy things, and will probably continue to do so in the future.

I haven't read much of her great literature, but the few pieces I have read were filled with such color and stories of hope. Maya Angelou, you have inspired me. Not just for my writing--for my life. Thank you.

Take care and God bless,
-Riley XO


  1. Hi Riley,
    I know it is a bit late but I accepted your nomination to Liebster blog award. Again thank you very much. You can check it out here

  2. Thank you for sharing that quote! I especially like the second portion of the quote because, like you said, it shows grace and humility. Have a great day!

  3. "It's probably really melodramatic of me, but at times I can turn little instances of carelessness into major tragedies. For example, I once made a big exit giving up on my Chemistry grade only because the person I was working with told me the wrong answer to two of the questions, thereby confusing me immensely. It was soon resolved..." This made my day!

  4. Thank you for your comments! Angelou's words have impacted me greatly; it was the least I could do to share them with you. Take care!

  5. It's been a month and a half since her passing, and Miss Angelou's beautiful eloquence still echoes in my mind. Her poetry, filled with hope and empowerment, became a favorite heartfelt read for many women around the country. Anyway, I love the excerpts you posted here. It's awesome to think about how the shortest of her excerpts can touch the lives of many people. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and hers.

    Christian Pearson @ League of Women Voters

  6. Christian--thank you for your lovely comment! I am so glad that you also found this woman's words inspiring and I truly believe that she has left a great legacy.
