
December 10, 2013

A Student's Prayer for Finals Week

Hello there, happy Tuesday! So around the time for midterms this semester, I posted A Student's Prayer from St. Thomas Aquinas. Today, I'm writing this prayer that this week will go well for all of us college students. Good luck on your tests, and merry Christmas!

Dear God,

Thank you for this semester. It has been a long one, at times challenging and draining, and at other times full of discovery and joy. We rejoice in the difficulties that you have presented us with, for they are contributing to our growth, mentally, emotionally, or physically. 

Thank you for the new relationships we have formed in these past months, for placing people in our lives to help us along the way. And thank you also for preserving the old, because those relationships are gold.

Please bless the rest of this semester. Help us to see through with our hard work. Give us motivation to study efficiently and constructively, and give us wisdom as we sit down to take tests and write papers. 

Please help us remember that our grades do not determine our worth as people, as important as they are, and help us maintain our joy in learning and energy for doing good will.


And remember:

Take care,
-Riley XO


  1. Oh thanks for your prayer, next week will be our preliminary exam for 2nd semester. Enjoy your Christmas Holiday and God bless us :)

  2. Thanks Little Miss Faye, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season as well! ^_^

  3. We just finished all our exams a few weeks ago, and we're glad that we can finally enjoy the holiday season and the festivities involved. We wish you and anyone still sitting their finals all the best, and Merry Christmas one and all!!

  4. I have math finals tomorrow and I'm just praying that I pass. I know with God on my side I will do good . As long i have God with me . Please everyone prayer for me

  5. I have math finals tomorrow and I'm just praying that I pass. I know with God on my side I will do good . As long i have God with me . Please everyone prayer for me

  6. I have math finals tomorrow and I'm just praying that I pass. I know with God on my side I will do good . As long i have God with me . Please everyone prayer for me
