
July 12, 2013

Establishing Who Is Right

TGIF! How are you today? Hope everything is going well. Today is going to be a short post because I'm finishing up another project in preparation for my black belt test--but I have started working on a post for Tuesday. I'll be starting a series that will give you a little more insight to my life as I write about the transition from high school to university. I also have some tips for any current high schoolers who plan to go to college, just from teen to teen. So if you have any questions, just send me an email or comment in this post and I'll try to answer them.

I'll be part of a service community in college, and they shared this video. It really spoke to me, and I hope it'll speak to you too.

Being surrounded by people despite differences and learning to be part of a community no matter who is in's just so powerful.

What are your thoughts on this video? Please feel free to comment!

Have a lovely day!
-Riley XO


  1. I read your introduction and was interested to check out your blog. I Love how you are so positive about life and how God is so real through you! Couldn't help to follow your blog through bloglovin! :D

  2. Thank you Florencia! I'm still learning so much about faith and life, so I'm very glad that you are joining me on this journey :) Have a great day!
